Slight change in order!!

The short answer is yes. You totally can make 800+ with a 383. Really skies the limit with a big block and boost. I have really no practical knowledge about doing a single turbo. Everything I have built that had a turbo had two of them. I know that I prefer to run the .96 A/R housing. I know that with all the the exhaust going through one turbo it will need more exhaust flow. I would recommend the turbo forums and look around and try to pick up some knowledge there. Sorry I really cant help you out.

Yup, most everything I see is twins unless it is an allout racecar sporting a 101mm monster. I'm thinking that with double the exhaust that a single should have nearly double the A.R.. More research never hurt anyone. I just wish I could find the VE of this setup and able to read that damn compressor map. I think I am just making it harder than it really is. I aced algebra 1 & 2 many moons ago. Lol. It is definitely NOT like riding a bike for sure! Use it or loose it.