Howdy from North Carolina

Welcome to FABO! I am located really close to you in Clayton. Where did you find that gem? If local, I wish I found it. Great looking car. Nice score man. hey come out to the MADD Car show at Lake Wheeler park this Saturday, I'll be there with my Duster.

I stumbled on it in Asheboro on the way home from the zoo. I got kinda' turned around on a back road thinking I knew a shortcut to 421 into Sanford and saw the grille pokin' out of a tobbaco barn. I stopped and knocked on the door and an OLD lady answered. I asked her what the deal was and if she'd sell it.
She told me her husband bought it and a Mercury brand new in '76. He used the Merc to get back and forth to work (he was a mechanic, how lucky is that?) and she used the Plymouth to got to church 5 miles up the road twice a week. It had 80k and every service record for the past 35 years. He died in 2006 and she put the car away. So, here I come, asking about the car, she can't drive anymore and she has no interest in it whatsoever. She disappeared into the house for almost 20 minutes and came out with his keychain. It still had his house key and plug gapper on it! I slid the key in the column, pumped the gas a few times and it fired right up! I couldn't believe it. To be sure, the battery should have been dead, right? I asked what she wanted for it and she asked how much I had. I pulled no more cash from my pocket that it takes to buy a new set of tires and she handed me the keys again and called her daughter to take her to the bank to have the title notarized.
It ran like buttered *** until I filled it up with fresh 93 test. Then it cleared right up and I drove it all the way back home. Everything works, right down to the map lights and that annoying 70's buzzer that tells you the key is in the ignition.

What time does that show start?