Adding fresh air vents

Sure you have. Big black box buy your feet on both pass and driver side.

I want to see some pics too. Never hered of a vent delet car before. Would be cool to see. I can get you some pics of my duster tonight if you want. It is all torne apart right now and I can get you some good pics of the holes. I would think your car should have them though if it had A/C and a heater it need to be able to draw air in from some where.

i'm not sure about the passenger side, I assume there is some sort of air inlet for the heater/ac

How ever i know for a fact the drivers side never had a vent and the hole wasn't cut. I can reach my hand up to where the vent would mount and its solid sheet metal.

I will try to get some pictures, but it might be a few days

Thanks for the help everyone. I actually still have the parts car the vents/heater box came from so I might just go ahead and cut the parts out of the cowl incase i need them.