Hello from South Florida

thanks for the welcome everyone!

one of the things i really like about this place is the LACK of newb hazing. i'm on some other forums for other interests that i have and there is plenty of that. i never really understood the mentality of it and certainly appreciate the warm welcome here.

i have some car knowledge, i'm not a complete greenhorn, but it's really only at the level of simple repairs, fluid changes, and enough to make sure i don't get taken for a ride at the garage. lol

i want to learn more, but at the this point don't really have the space to do a lot, so for major stuff i'll still end up at the garage, but i have a good honest guy that i've known for years.

i've always loved the look of mopars. they just look meaner than anything else!! i had a 73 mach one about 15 years ago. it wasn't my first choice, but it kind of feel into my lap so i took it. i lost that car in an accident about 6 months after i got and have always missed it, even though it was a mustang and one of the uglier ones. lol

i've been driving the normal vanilla compact car ever since and something was just plain missing. i think it's called the fun of living!!!

so the compact finally died and it gave me some good years, but now with the need for a new vehicle, i decided that i was going to do it right!!!

i went and got what i wanted even as impractical as some of my friends might say it is. the dart is going to be driven, so it's certainly not perfect and that's fine because i didn't want perfect. i want something i can drive and enjoy!!!

i'll get some more pics when i have a chance. i must admit that i'm hiding some body damage on the drivers side rear quarter. lol it never hurts to show your good side. it's not major, but certainly is noticeable. i do have a new quarter for it though and once i tackle some of the basic mechanical stuff i'll tackle that.

thanks again for the warm welcome!!

mopar show in englewood??? hmmmmm..... very tempting. they have a great skatepark in englewood!!! yep, 37 and still riding my skateboard too!!

i refuse to grow old gracefully!!! :)