Take a guess where the bottle neck is!

Get rid of the orange box, and verify the coil's getting battery voltage minus 2-3. I've fixed older conversions whose connections were just not really good any more, or whose ballast resitor was replaced with something from a parts store that was a higher resistance so the coil was getting 6-7 volts. I don't beleive it's fuel related.

I'll check it again, but iirc it was within that range the last time I looked at it. The car seems runs real clean, it sure could be that box letting me down. I should pull the plugs also. It doesn't idle as nice as it used to, but then again, it is hard to get a consistent idle setting with the Lokar throttle/kickdown setup I have on it (I prefer factory stuff). Putting the factory linkage back on it is also part of my plan.