FABO Secret Santa 2010 sign up

If you are interested in a FABO secret santa gift exchange. PM me the following information if you have not already:
Ship to name (optional)
Helpful info for your santa (T-shirt size, hobbys, car model, fav sports team, etc.)
I am allowing until thanksgiving to sign up. Once everyone is signed up, I will PM you another random participants info prior to Dec 1, 2010. It will be your responsibility to research them, stalk them, and buy a gift and ship it to them. Everyone signing up will give and receive a gift. The rules are as of now, are as follows:

1. Minimal amount of value being $20. There is no top spending limit, you can spend as high as you would like on the person.

2. Must have a mailing address in the USA or Canada. (if you do not want to ship to someone out of your respective country [US to Canada; or Canada to US] please make a note in your PM).

3. Must be a member September 2010 or prior.

4. When shipped, keep you tracking number. If someone did not get a gift and you have no proof of shipping it to them, you are a deadbeat and will no longer be allowed to participate. May even post the deadbeats, depending on the situation.

Thanks to all that have signed up so far, looks like we are getting a good turn out.

Happy Holidays