Looking for a specific 340 Dart in St. Louis

Wow, I like.

Because of privacy laws it can be difficult to find out were or what happened to it, but it is not impossible. These laws vary state by state.

First take the VIN or plate number down to the DMV or Licensing Dept or whomever handles the licensing in your state. I your states law makes it illegal for them to tell you who owns it now, just tell them before you even try to pursue and find it legally just asked them if the car is currently in the system and licensed. This way you will know it is still in your state and still alive and they won't be breaking a law by giving out private information.

If it is illegal for someone to give out the address and present owner the next step would require a relative or friend in law enforcement to give you the info. But if this happens they could loose their job so if someone does this for you can't tell anyone and especially the present owner how you found out.
