e bay B.S.

Well I don't make it a regular thing to sell on E-bay but I do sell stuff to clear out the garage and here's my .02 on the FB thing. When I first started selling stuff I always gave the buyer positive FB as soon as they paid then one day along comes this guy who I sold a brand new part to and I allready gave positive FB too. Well after he gets the part he e-mails me and says the part wasn't new, that it was used and that I was lying and I'd either give him half his money back or I was getting a negative FB. I know for a fact that the part wasn't used. I had pictures to prove it but did it do me any good if someone was to look at my FB. Not hardly. Also many times I gave people FB only to never get any back from them. So you can look at the FB thing 2 ways. Give it first and take your chances on getting burned like I did or just wait them out.

BTW: My e-bay ID is catsmygal and I just sold a bunch of stuff on there so if your one I sold something to sorry but hope you see why I'm leary to give FB first.