e bay B.S.

Wow. While I have no respect for Ebay the company and the way they do business I can't see why so many of you have so much trouble. I have done well over 500 transactions on Ebay buying and selling and I have not had a single problem. Not one. I just make sure I only deal with people that have good feedback.

I spent over 15 years looking for tan A-body seatbelts for my car before I ended up getting two complete sets on Ebay for less than $30 total. That is only one of dozens of awesome deals I have gotten on Ebay. I was the membership coordinator of the SDAC in the late 80's and early 90's so I have an major hoard of Shelby Dodge stuff that some of the younger Shelby Dodge guys are falling all over themselves to buy because they have never seen most of it. There is no other venue where these guys would have access to this stuff. While Ebay the company definitely sucks, Ebay the site is an awesome place to get what you need. You just have to be careful.