Facelift for the BB

Just felt like posting some pics of the paint on the engine. Car is at the paint booth and should have it back in about 2 weeks. Cant wait, almost everything is ready to go, but wheels and headers. I am going to lose the fender wall headers and go with TTI. That way I can fit better street rubber under the front of it. The intake, water pump, timing cover, alternator,and all brackets are at the powder coat shop. This is going to be a great face lift, cant wait for final pics.

I cleaned the block and heads with purple power, simple green, then two times with dawn dish soap. It was then dried and primed with two coats of high heat primer. Then painted with three coats of Mopar Hemi Orange ( one light, then two medium), Then cleared with three coats of clear ( two light coats and last heavy). I used a total of 1 can of primer, 2 cans of orange and 2 cans of clear by Duplicolor. I am very happy and it has been sitting for 4 days and looks wet still.

Engine coming out

On the stand befor the tear down

After it being cleaned the first time

Primed and waiting for some paint

Painted and cleared