Need drivetrain input on a 68 Dart project

jeryst said
I recently picked up a 68 Dart that I want to make into a GTS clone. The car was originally a 6-cyl car. I have three engines that I can choose from: 340, 440, or 331 Hemi. I plan on using a 727 tranny. Which engine I choose will be a matter of overall cost in regards to what will need to be changed in order to handle any of the engines, vs performance and resale value.

I would like to know what will need to be changed in order to handle each of the engines as far as other drivetrain components are concerned.

340 all the way - want a little more punch depending on condition of 340 - go 416cubes. 500hp and very streetable.

K member does not need to be changed if you go with a /6 - 340/360 engine mount conversion.
assuming it has a 7 1/4 now, find an A-body 8 1/4 diff or 8 3/4". A new driveshaft will be required. TTi make a real nice set of headers for this combo, as period manifolds are very hard to find - and expensive.
A 340 clone will have good resale vale.