e bay B.S.

As far as feedback goes, if you are the seller, ettequete says that you should post feedback if you are the seller as soon as you get payment, the buyer should post feedback as soon as you get your product. But this is not realistic, sometimes people just don't have time or don't frequent feedback, or sometimes you don't know if a part will work until you get it installed. both parties have 90 days to post feedback, I know that I often forget, I will only leave feedback for a seller if they did first. As a seller I always leave feedback within the 90 days, or if somebody leaves me feedback first. You can always leave someone a feedback and then politely email the person asking them to do the same, but I don't push it if they don't respond. I have sold almost 500 things on ebay, but my feedback is only around 150 (100% positive). I really don't care, 1000 feedback with 1 negative is worse than 150 positive, that number does not affect my day to day living, nor does it keep me up at night.