70 318?

I hear that we don't even bother to try and sell them around here.. straight to the scraper they go,or boat yard...

How can you consider the 318 a boat anchor when the 340 is nothing but an overbored 318? Same STROKE, true it may have beefier internals and better heads.....BUT the foundation is from a 318....So in essence to call a 318 a boat anchor is to call the 340 the same thing ....Now if you're talkin building the two then the size (318, 340) changes at boring of the engine at the most common startin point of .30 over.....So even then you don't have a true 318 or 340......For the average person the 318 can be built for rather cheaply and is fun to drive on THE STREET ....Considering speedin tickets and other fines and the fact that majority of the time the engine won't see 6000 or more than the 318 can can get the job done smoke tires, chirp tires AND sound like a 340 AND have decent gas mileage, that can be compared to havin a GREAT woman cook, clean, an f*ck on time( ok jus jokin round but u catch the drift).....I too like every other TRUE MOPAR LOVER would want a 340 in our stables along wit the other various engines...It's even better in this day an age when you come by a whole engine FREE !!!! Now talkin boat anchors I could see if this were a chevy forum and we were talkin 305 or 307 to the 350!!!!! This comin from a guy wit a Demon wit a 318.....Had to put my thoughts in.....