Brock Lesner loses! UFC 121

Brock is someone to look up to, he played Nfl football DT for the Vikings, then went to wrestling and then ufc, it just tells kids they can do anything they want if they try.
Yeah he was kinda cocky but thats just his ego. You gotta be full of yourself in prosports or you wont do very well.

Not trying to argue with you here, but you can look at that 2 ways, either he wasnt good at football, so went into the fakeassed wrestling then onto the real stuff. Or he did all 3 "sports" which is an accomplishment. In my opinion not a role model. Watch every play in NFL its friggin showtime!! What a joke. Joe Theismann, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Dan Marino there are a TON of great players that played with humility, honor and integrity. Brock aint one of them. Like they say if you score, act like you have done it before.