A US Navy.....

Someone needs to take their political correctness and stuff it in their butthole, if only they could surgicly remove the stick first... It's a joke dude!

Holy ****.....now we get a pissing match in the "Jokes, Funny Stuff, Anything Goes" section.......as the title says "Anything Goes".

I am so sick of hyper sensitive sissys. I too served in the Navy, so go jump off a bridge.

The guy is not even here a month and he already is pissing about stuff. To all of you vets, I sincerely appreciate your service to our great country. But, just because you served does not make you any more or less of a human being than those who have not. To the guy who found my joke offensive, not that my life is any bodies business, I did talk to the Military about enlisting. I was told that because of my family situation I was not able to enlist. That along with my torn tendons in both my wrists and elbows I was told I was also not medically fit. But hey, you did enlist so that makles you a better Man than I, at least in your eyes......