wish me luck, say a prayer

It's getting close to Christmas, and the business is feeling it. Even working at a lesser charged hourly rate and demanding high quality, I knew this time would be coming. Things are starting to slow down to a certain extent. I can be running my butt off for two or three days of the week and then working on the Dip for the rest of the time. I'm gaining more and more customers, and more customers who swear be my work to the point that they are referring family and friends.

But there comes a period of time when financial security has to come first. Today I have an interview at a local dealership's body shop. Which is ironic since this is the body shop I started at detailing cars 20+ years ago, before I really knew how to do body work. The old team is gone, the old management has been replaced, even ownership has changed hands in this amount of time. But it's still the same set up, same shop.

I'll be taking on customer's pay work in my evenings and Saturdays; I really don't want to lose my customer base as most of them have come to know me. And the wife and I agreed that the money there would be put into the projects, within reason (may have to save a little longer, is all, while taking care of some old bills). It's just the security of the paycheck is needed right now, no excuses.

So, wish me luck, folks, and say a little prayer that things work out.