So what do you guys think?

If time travel were possible, we would already know about it. Think about it. The atomic bomb was about as secret as it gets. Someone theorised it was possible, a government built it and used it. That Government (our government) kept it as secret as possible, now, less than 100 years later, you can get instructions on the internet, every government in the world has simmilar technology, or is figuring out how to get it. If time travel were possible, that period of secracy wouldn't start when it was invented, it would start when it was lost to people in the "target time". Do you think people could keep something like that secret for 100 years? How about 1000 years, or 5000 years? Once the genie is out of the bag, technology eventually falls into the hands of private citizens. How well can we keep a secret? I can't fly to Chicago without losing my cellphone, would you trust me with a time travel device in 2000 B.C.? Eventually the technology would be so common, it wouldn't matter how it was built, you could just pick one up at Wal-Mart, or an ancient Egyption market.

Maybe I've put too much thought into this.