wish me luck, say a prayer

Got through the interview. Just like old times, pretty much. The team has changed since I was there, everyone but one guy is gone, and he definitely remembered me. Got a good word from him with the boss.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The shop is exactly the way I left oh so many years ago. New KJ wrack, though, with laser targets, so that's a plus. After my last experience with frame work, I just hope I don't have to spend a lot of time on it. (My last job had me on the frame wrack for 40 hours a week for the last six months I was there...kinda burned me out.)

What was interesting was that I wasn't just interviewed by the boss, but by the guys, too, to make sure I'd fit in. Gave me a chance to ask some free questions about the place and see if they had to fight for hours (flat rate), if things were steady, how the place was run, etc.