So what do you guys think?

If this is a poor attempt for an attack on me I forgive you. This was sent to me in an email and I thought it was not only interesting but amusing. That's why I chose to share it with you.:angry7:

not a attempt for a attack on you. i assumed you saw it somewhere else and posted it for us to discuss, which we are. What i meant is, who was watching something from 1928 and thought that woman was on a cell phone? If I took a computer back to 1928 I wouldn't have internet access, which is what I meant by I can't get cell reception beside a tower. it seems alot of people here are trying to pick fights so they can start threads about what a d-bag the other person is. At the end of your post you asked "what do you think?" :dontknow:

I should have just put a smilely :wack: or :bs: