It's About TIME! Phoenix Specialty T-Shirts Wooooo

I'm sitting here laughing at ALL of you right now! What a fun thread ... so many memories, and some better left forgotten ... not mentioning any names ... Roger ... :-D

Pssst, Kenny ... if you click on the "User CP" thing up there in the right hand corner you can change your site preferences to show other people's signatures. You're missing out on a biggggg part of FABO without them. Not only does that help personalize the experience, you might be surprised to learn that some of your friends on here actually sell stuff and provide services you might need some day. :-D

Since I haven't been able to buy Billy a Christmas present in over five years [hanging head in shame], I was thinking maybe I might auction off one PSC shirt in each size to the highest bidders. Anybody interested in such an idea???
Anyway, thanks again for the great commentary and for putting a big smile on my face today. I love you guys!!!