Fast Ez-Efi??

holley has had the projection system around since the 80's - it's the oldest

retrotech - in my research when looking for an EFI system had the most problems.

I could not get any other in a dual quad setup - EZ was the only one.

In my research all problems with all systems are directly related to users not following the instructions - I have helped 4 people with the EZ system since I installed mine and 2 of them had electrical problems - ( user related ) and after they went backl and fixed the screw up it worked fine. The other was fuel related - you cant use 40 year old **** in a new EFI system, expect it to work with the rust and crap in your tank.

Just my 2 cents - I installed mine and the instructions are clear - an EFI system NEEDS a good power and ground ( you cant go through a 40 year old wiring setup and expect the noise created to not cause issues....