My good friend FABO & Respect!

I meant the above post in know like a bunch of guys sittin around the shop pokin fun and chewin the fat? I mean, if you can't poke fun at FRIENDS and call each other names jokin around then there's a problem. I get this PM from "superdart340" and I gotta say I'm really hurt that someone finds it necessary to throw up me "helpin everybody and his brother" in my face in a derrogetory fashion. Here is the PM.

From superdart340:

"dude it might be a joke but its not funny,if u think it is then ur mind is twisted,,i'm not a whiner or a moron i'm a member and that is not funny......just because u think u know everything and are helping everybody any their brother dosen't give u the right to call names....."

First off, it was MY opinion that the avatar was a joke. It's a picture, nuthin more. I try to help anybody that needs it within my power whether it's with advice or anything else. I find it a low blow and unnecessary to say that to me in a derrogatory fashion. superdart340, you ought to be ashamed. I would help you in the same way I would anybody else.