TTI Now What

I agree with StrokerScamp and Crackedback. The drivers side header on my Dart had to be crimped in a number of places and more than just a little bit, to get things to work. I wasn't to pleased cracking the nice new shiny ceramic coating on these pricy headers in order to get them to fit. Of course TTI techs told me that there was something wrong with the car as in wrong k member or bad mounts or some bs like that. Of course I had to rework my z bar also before I could work the clutch and TTI said that's to be expected! BS! In retrospect had I known I was going to have the hassel I had getting these headers to clear, which even yet it's touch and go with the drag link, I would never have bought them. My plain ole Hookers from back in the day with the big elephant Mopar starter on the engine, fit perfectly with no shimming or crimping necessary...hands down. If the TTI's develope holes at some point, their coming off and Hookers or some other decent fitting header is going back on. It's no fun once the engine is in the car and everything is all nice and freshly painted with no scratches or nicks to have to pull the drivers side header back out and start crimping tubes and try not to scrape the crap out of the engine bay or the tubes! Sorry guys...I just felt like venting this morning. I think I got into the Holloween candy a bit to early this morning and I'm having a sugar meltdown!