tow in and barn fresh cars

this is a few cars that are barn fresh and tow in and cars waited in line to be next , i do all the work expect paint and i ve got a guy in lexington tenn does my paint which is 4 hours away and matt hargis does some paint work for me too working on three right now 1970 all number matching duster getting paint right now a 1971 340 duster black in color super slick a 422 cu small block and the 1971 340 rootbeer brown car it was a export car . thats what i am trying to put together now everyone is welcome to stop by and visit this is some of my barn cars yes they all are 340 cars yes i ve got 3 black ones i am slow put i do what i want to them i'll sell anything but my girl and my dog name duster choc lab i'll post more mike