how to find out the stall of a converter??????????????pic included

There's only one way to determine stall speed. Because there are so many variables involved, live and in the car is the only way. Mopar actually has a procedure and here it is. With the car up to operating temp, place the car in drive. With your foot firmly on the brakes, flash the to the floor and note where the RPM stops ascending. That is your stall speed. Some people say do this in high gear. Not only does that not work correctly, but you have to have a manual valve body. Since the car launches in low gear, using it is the correct way. Obviously, you don't have it in a car, so all I can do is give you a shot in the dark. That converter body is tiny. I would estimate at least a 4K flash in a torquey engine. Possibly more. But, you never know. Might be a lot more might be a lot less. Because of the different methods of building torque converters, it's impossible to tell without it in the car.

i know that converters are very broad range of flash points do to lts of different variables but i was trying to give an estimate. that was the reason i asked the diameter to see what he had... just trying to help...