Trouble with a new Thermoquad Installation

So I got a rebuilt Thermoquad off eBay and installed it as well as a correct choke. The Thermoquad runs very well when it is warm and has no dead spots at all. But it is a bear to start and runs like crap until it is warmed up, then it runs like a champ.
Yep, nothing new there. Perhaps the pumpshot needs to be a bit more on time rather than a slight delay. The chke setting may need to be enrichened. This may have to be done via bending a rod. The settings on the TQ must be followed exactly. Otherwise, the carb is a little bratty.

I have the same issue on my 400. One of these days I'll get around to a minor rod bend.
I turn the key, she spins, then just as it's starts to speed up and kind of catch, I floor it and BANG right up.

Once the 400 is all warmed up (And it takes a big block awhile to do) it's an excellent carb, but not until warm.