Get home and what do I find?

I got home yesterday evening and started work on my house as I have been doing for about a year now. Thats the reason I have not been around much lately. Start to work and need a measuring tape so its off to the shop to get one. Walk up to the shop and the walk in door has been ripped open with a crow bar,dead bolt still locked. Just great all you need to make the day go better is some piece of $**t breaking in and stealing what I work every day to have. He got me miller 135 mig welder off the cart cut the gas hose and hit the road. Now outside of the general feeling of being pissed the sheriffs dept comes out and they can't fingure print anything as he does not think it will help? I sware the laws today is to protect the criminal not the victum. Well all I know to say is I hope they don't come back again. Just a vent I guess. Matt