Get home and what do I find?

sorry to hear that man..but on a side note the police this days are to damn young and think there sheild gives them the right to do what they want and what they want to say..just 2 weeks ago the guy leave beside me got the police called on him for being on someones land behind his his 2 cops come and the man that claims the land...i know for a fact that the land belongs to another man how cause i buoght my land from the same man that owns this its about 20 ac...anyway long story short 1 cop gets out the car and tell the guy you need to take your *** back to rocky mount where your from called the guy a ***** a few diff. times and gave him the finger now this man should be term. and sent down the road ..i vid. most of it on my phone when i heard the cop calling names..they call to make a report on him to his boss he has about 5 charges already for the same thing his about 25/28 yrs old and think they can do what they want and nothing will happen....if you get into a fender bender in some states you just take each others ins. info no need to call the law..why not they may not have ins.. sorry for the trant but the law now days is just for the law not the peolpe that need them..