Penguin goes shopping

a penguin is driving along when his check engine light comes on, so he pulls into a garage to have it checked out, the mechanic tells him it will take a half hour to find the problem so the penguin goes across the street to the diner for something to eat while he waits
the waitress comes over and asks "what would you like today?" do you have any mackerel asks the penguin? "sorry no" reply's the waitress, how about herring? again the answer is "no" cod? flounder? tuna? "sorry" declares the waitress "we don't carry any seafood" fine says the penguin just give me a dish of vanilla ice cream, after finishing and paying the check the penguin returns to the auto repair shop, where the mechanic turns to him and says "you blew a seal" the penguin stop's wipes his mouth and says "no it's just ice cream"