complete trans where to buy.........

what shop is it in aj? My car is out in aj at a friends house.

I have looked at A and A as well. I'll have to do some calling around and feel out the shops before I decide. I really wanted to make sure that I avoid a place that sells junk.

A&A or Martin Saine then are what you want....(non copying parts from china, like others are doing)

I still have the 1st ext adjust A&A trans, still being hammered on, knowing when the 1st ext adj 727 was made will tell you how long that is... after blowing up many of what others called good then. needless to say dragging or road racing them has had no ill effects and i haven't been under the cars a second time for trans related issues since finding and using both of these guy's.
Though MS P has a little advances in the TC end of things, and killer diesel stuff, that EVERY one is copying..some get it wrong

Lots of big names out there selling china, and china doesn't belong in performance.