Mr. Norm?

As a 5 or 6 year old ('67-'68 ) I had an embarrassing moment in Mr. Norms showroom. My father did advertising work with Mr. Norm, he sold air time for a Chicago radio station. My dad brought me with him one day and thought it would be a good idea to play a prank on me in front of Mr. Norm and the sales crew.

My dad handed me what was to me, a large jar, and told me it had cookies in it. He told me to open it up so I could have one and share them. Well... I opened the lid and it was a snake in a jar gag... A large "snake" popped out of the jar, it startled me and I dropped the jar on the showroom floor shattering it into a million pieces. Needless to say Norm wasn't too thrilled with the joke. I didn't care for the embarrassment either since even at that age I thought Mr. Norm's was about the coolest place in the world with all the great cars on display.

My grandpa owned a three flat on Spaulding and had a Polara 4 door until he died in '66. My grandma kept that car until 1972 when she bought a Bright Red '72 Dart with a 318 from Grand Spaulding Dodge. Her Dart had a black vinyl top and a black interior. She had good taste! That turned out to be my first car as I bought it from her when I was 16. I turned grandma's 318 Dart into an 11second runner on nitrous. I built my "new" Dart as a tribute to my grandma and that first car of mine.

The old...

The new...