Friend test drove a project car - crashed - now he is being threated with a lawyer?

Thats what probably would happen, but hey at least you can put a lein on his house or something. Not that you would get paid but would be a big problem when he goes to sell his house or refi. Then you would have him over a barrel.
That is IF he owns the house. And judgements do not last forever.....

I just found out that the body shop quoted him $2500 to fix it.

They didn't file a police report, He said it took them about half an hour to figure out why it wouldn't start back up after the accident. He said that the coil wire had popped off the coil on the inner fender.

He also says that they both have insurance so... I dont know what to say about it.

I sent him a link to this thread he may ask me to pull it if the whole deal goes down hill and becomes a legal battle or something.
No police report, good luck in court.