sdce retires supercharged 383!

So what was wrong with it??? seemed to run alright to me.

Good luck with your next engine.

It did run awesome. While it didn't seem like anything was wrong, its on a downward slope and its slippery! LOL! 10 years on an engine of this caliber is a lot. Thats not counting all the engine dyno tests, chassis dyno tests, street miles, etc. This car is the guinea pig for many of our new products and gets used for research and development of Scott's theories, etc. (oil cooling mods, reverse cooling, etc) so its seen some abuse and has been pushed to the limits.
And that was all before our shop was flooded. Now some of the cylinder bores are "rusted" from the stagnant water. We couldn't even get in our shop for about a week. And when we did finally get in, the Challenger wasn't first on the priority the time we got to her, it was several weeks later. Its amazing how fast stuff rusts!