Porting BB heads

Okay I went back and looked at one of my other threads and the ARE 906s and 346s lol. That sure makes me look like an idiot :P ](*,)

Actually I MIGHT have access to a flow bench, a gentleman I know had one at one point but I'm not sure if he still does. Regardless, I've seen home-ported heads with positive numbers so I want to give it a try.

As for aluminum heads, isn't going to happen, at least not right now. They will put me far over budget. Maybe sometime in the future, but not until I have it together, and running in the car for a while. I intended to practice on another set of heads and sure, I may hurt flow, but I have to start somewhere. I guarantee people who do this work professionally have screwed up a set or two of heads. I'm not looking for perfection, just some improvement.