1966 valiant For Sale

Have you tried your local county court. Not sure about Iowa but here in Indiana you can petition or file through your local county court for a "Court ordered title". I bought a dart out of Rhode Island from an FABO member last spring, RI being a no title state I got a Bill of Sale and then used it along with a Police check from my local police dept... from there I petitioned the court $135.00, I then set a court date (If your nice they might just squeeze you in same day or a hearing within the next week!) I had the bill of sale, pictures of car, police VIN check, and pleaded my case to the court... the judge ask me some questions and then said lets get you a title for this car! from there I had my plates and titled in my name an hour after court. The nice thing I found is regardless what info the BMV has, they have to honor that court order! It sounds too simple, but a lot easier then trying to get somewhere with a license branch here in Indiana!!! Maybe this might help you in Iowa!
Thanks. What I should do is get a p.o.s. with no title and try again and see what happens. Thanks again for the useful info! Take it easy.