Hello from So. Cal

On that copper sleeve technique..That must have worked its way south as I had a head porter that did the same thing but he did it azz backwards. He would port the bejeebers out of the pushrod guide side and break into the passage like it was nothing. He would then drop in a sleeve with epoxy and let it set up and smooth out. Your way is more proactive as it does give you a warning. Bring on the T/A valve gear!

Doing it that way does not make good sense.

Because the lines come out correctly when you have that copper "surfboard" witness.

Doing it backwards could lead to excessive break through, installing a sleeve at that point and you painted yourself into a corner.

Trying to establish the correct line would mean breaking through again, or, leaving a sorta blended semi radius of the sleeve.

I this case, you really don't want to put the cart before the horse.

The way I outlined above is straight forward, proven, and works like a house a fire.

I am sorry to say but that guy has an extra thick bone in his head.