
Since everybody's throwin around opinions...here's mine. This site has a forum for "those" type pictures. It comes as a perk for Gold Members. As such, I feel that it is unfair to Gold Members to allow those type pictures in open forum. Bikinis and what not are fine, but those pictures crossed a definite line in my book. Not that I have anything against them, just where they were allowed to be posted. Gold Members pay a premium to help support the site and Joey and the gang have been nice enough to allow certain perks for becoming a Gold Member. Allowing pics that pushed the envelope as much as those did, to me, was unfair to the Gold Members that have paid that premium. If you want to view or post those type pictures, the site has a place for it. Step up and become a Gold Member, support this great site and post and view all you want, or else shut up and don't push the envelope. That's my two cents, like it or not.