
Just go hang in the political forum with an opposing viewpoint... That's always fun to watch!

I don't personally care if someone post racey pics, however, I don't have anyone in the household that couldn't handle such material.

If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. No need to get in the middle of the mosh pit. Want to be the person to push someones buttons or call them out, be big enough to take whatever gets tossed back your way. Some are more tactful than others, we all come with different methods and approaches.
Not about racey pictures. Merely voiced my opinion and an attempt of a verbal attack was aimed my direction. If you are going to post pictures, you are opening yourself up for the voicing of opinions. As long as everyone was drooling over the pictures, it was all good. I voiced my honest opinion and this individual could not handle it. It was not a button push in anyway, just my opinion. Understand about the different approaches but that in no way justifies an attempt of an insult. Jerkoff, ****tard and a few other things in no way can be taken as anything but an attempt of an insult. One thing if we were best buds, but do not know this guy from a hole in the wall......and just because we share a common interest does not make us best buds.....are you best buds with Stroked340??