
His response wasn't appropriate either. I forgot to mention that. The whole situation was just bad, and the only part I disagree with you about is that there was no point in criticizing her appearance (well, and I think the reporting/complaining should have been done privately, but that's not a major disagreement). Part of maturity is knowing when it's appropriate to comment and when it's appropriate to just keep your mouth shut. When it involves someone's appearance and you don't like it, that's ALWAYS one of those times to just keep your mouth shut.
If you are brave enough to post topless pictures on the internet than dealing with peoples comments should not be much of an issue. I was raised to tell the truth, and if the truth hurts so be it. As far as the reporting/complaining, that was not done by me. Again, not everybody is going to kiss your *** and that is just the way it is. I am overweight, and when I was employed very few people called me by name. It was always Big Guy, the Husky Guy etc. Not once did I take offense to it, because it is the TRUTH.......