dog stole my parts

Not trying to hi-jack this thread, but I was sitting here about 3 hours ago reading this very thread when my wife ran down and said "I think Honey is Dying". Our faithful Golden Retriever of 11 years was now very sick. We got her when my youngest of 3 sons was born and they grew up together. I don't think of dogs as people, but she truly was part of the family in her own way. My heart skipped a beat and I ran upstairs. We had a little scare a few months back and she got over it. This time she was just flat on the floor panting, her legs stretched straight out to the sides like never before, she was lying in urine and feces. She couldn't raise her head, although she tried to wag her tail.
She had been a little off for a day or so, but not like this. We called the vet, they said they had to see her and get an x-ray. I ran in and met with the vet. It took me 3 tries just to get in the front door, once I did, I could hardly tell the receptionist what I wanted. She knew, they had been there many times and were very caring. We took Honey in, the vet found that she was very anemic, felt she was bleeding internally due to a tumor that had burst. This was even more apparent as her stomach began to slightly swell. I said my good byes and now I even struggle to get through this. Thanks for 'listening', farewell Honey!