Correct 4 speed console!

I thought that this would be the best place to get some answers. I have two 4 speed consoles to choose from that could go back into my 67 4 speed gts. The problem is that I don't know which one is correct. I repaired one of the consoles and have another unpainted that I bought some time ago off of fleabay. I thought that all the a body 4 speed consoles were grouped into different categories. 66-68 are the same, 69 and up different. I thought that the replacement console I bought was a direct exchange but I was wrong. The console that was in the car has a flat front and the ebay one has more of a pointed front with a front top edge that curves out towards the pointed bottom half. Does anyone know what is the correct part number for the 67 4 speed console? Also my car is a HH1 exterior dark copper metallic with copper dust or lighter copper interior. Is the console supposed to be a darker interior color and not lighter like the seats? Any help greatly appreciated.
