What do you guys pay for body work where you live?

LOL Now thats what matters!!! Thats how my Barracuda is getting done. A Buddy took it down to the metal fixed 2 little rust spots. Oh and get this, once paint was gone you could see where somebody had put 1/2 a quarter on the left rear.. Anyway he had to use a come along to get the door jam up to match the rest of the body line. Then we found out I actually had a left fender from a 68 barracuda. Whoever done it before just filled in the side marker light. I have been weighing in on trying to find one in good shape that I can afford or getting mine fixed. All my door jams are painted, the trunk and engine bay is painted. All mine needs is the outside work done witch is hand work. You know low spots and of course my fenders. I have pics of the work so there is no suprizes. And I'm still trying to find someone to do it. Insurance work is to easy of a money maker for Body shops nowadays. most don't wanna mess with actual hand work on an old car. Even with everything else done and pics to show it.