drug poll cuz the other thread wont work..

ok, i had taken vicodin for years for the two damaged discs in my cervical and two discs in my lumbar. i know pain! i know what it is like loosing my ability to walk, falling down and pissing on myself. loosing your ability to function sux! i have fought through my pain have got myself off the drugs. well now that you mention the MS. which was not stated before...... or "i did not see it"... i'd say smoke the pot! for relief. you wont have the addiction problems or rot your teeth either. i see so many people who cannot handle their "easy lives" and resort to wasting themselves with substance abuses. i tried some really strong weed once for the wicked headaches that i would get from my neck. i personally did not like it. for seven years i couldn't rest well at all or sit and watch a movie, relax and read. i failed a suicide attempt. i would recommend anyone who is interested in living better and healthy. look into what "GARY NULL" has to say he is very successful at reversing the problems that the Docs cannot cure with drugs. drugs dont do anything but mask the problem. you need to fix the problem by other means. if you want to get better Research what Gary Null has to say. sadly 90% of Dr.s are F'ing idiots, trained by the big pharmaceutical companies. i wish you the best my friend.