drug poll cuz the other thread wont work..

I have two friends who live with MS, one lives in Thailand and have been my best friend since we were six, he teaches martial arts to the U.S. Navy Seals there. Some days he says are good and other days not good. My second friend is only in his early thirties and is an upcoming hand pinstriper and uses medical marijuana which he says eases his pain and keeps him working. I myself am very fortunate not to have MS yet I do have lower back pain and arthritis and the herb keeps me smiling and pain free as I too have a medical marijuana card. MS isn't a joke and neither is marijuana which helps.
I know there are many here who drink and have their own view of herb but do they know that beer kills more teenagers in this country then all the illicit drugs put together and sooner of later they will realize what works and what does not work. I am in my late sixties and do not drink, smoke cigarettes or do any pharmaceutical drugs what so ever.