drug poll cuz the other thread wont work..

I went only to the original post to see what it had in mind about having fun with it,as you will notice a lot of folk's here can have fun with two spoons and a toothpick,not to mention their ability to make us laugh so hard that we fall out of our chairs giggling like Lil' kid's...try not to take it the wrong way and I hope that this place doesn't get filled up with theads that are about drugs for any other reason than actual need of a better opinion of how to deal with pain. and no I don't wanna try you,ligten up a bit please.......Wagg's
No, I'm not. Wanna try me?

By the way, I noticed you have still not taken the time to read the other threads posted on this very disturbing topic, and having read some of the replies, it appears that I'm not the only one who is concerned with "having fun" with drugs.