Overpriced Crap Yards

Went out today to try and find a brake distrubition block(DB) that would work for my 66 Valiant since I am coverting to a Dual master cylinder and discs. So, I went to a local pick-a-part type yard. Well, I found a perfect little DB from an old AMC Hornet Wagon. It was about the same size as my car and the DB was super easy to get to and remove. I get up to the counter and the Mexican lady says...oh that's a brake part right...she types on her little computer....that will be $27.50 please :tool: I was like WTF are you talking about I might give you $15. This thing is barely worth that and I pulled it myself itstead of some illegal aliens (which who by the way are ruining this country) you've got working for you. They must think they are sitting on some freaking gold mine. I told her she could keep it :angry4: I mean hell..I can get a brand new one for $29.00 off efag. Makes me wonder if they've been watching too much Barret-Jackson while sitting on their fat asses. Let's say I will not be visiting that crappy yard again.

FYI, their was an 8 3/4 rear axle housing from a 71 Satellite Wagon ready to be picked. B-body I think. I'm sure they want $500 bucks for that too.

Hopefully, I can find a better yard in the So-Cal area that is not too far from me. Any of you guys running into this kind of thing lately?