Overpriced Crap Yards

Oh yea, illegal aliens do not belong here, I don't care if they come from the south - north - east - west. If you want to be an American, there are legal ways to do it.
I agree. Don't get me started though being as I live in SoCal. At the least, come here and assimilate into our culture....learn the damn language. Bring your kids here and we(meaning american teachers) will teach them Spanish first and then they can learn English. All for free. Why are we so damn PC and forgiving in this country? We're a bunch of pussies now. I feel for those El Paso border patrol officers who were doing thier jobs shooting that f'n dirt bag drug smuggler in the ***. I wrote letters and emails on that one. I just hope Bush pardons them and gives them what they deserve(besides a great deal of compensation)..... a huge parade for protecting our borders.

It's not just the US either. I just came back from Germany and it's ruined too. Muslims and millions of immigrants. Same goes for England, France and practically all of western Europe. Our world is not in a happy place right now. Sorry, got off on a tangent.....uh and what about those crappy junkyards again. :pain10:

BTW Mike. Boomer Sooner. I'm an OU alum.