Before I make a mistake please help new mopar fan!!

schumacher mounts and tti headers cost about the same for both. there are exhaust manifolds that work for both bb and sb, and cost about the same. there are no cheap *** headers that capture the steering for a bb like there are for a sb, but you can buy the cheap hedmans and try your luck and fit the to a low deck. they work for some people. used intakes cost the same for both. core engines can be had for about the same cost. core transmissions cost the same, and he already has one of each. machine work costs the same if you are going to build it. radiator cost the same. exhaust cost the same. they use the same starter, alternator, carb. you are going to need the same tires, and rear if you plan on going 12s. pistons probably cost more. thats about the only thing i can think of that might have a significant difference in price.

I sort of agree and disagree with this statement.After all if you spend the same amount of money on a big block and a small block you wont end up with the same results. The big block will make enough torque to simply blow up anything behind it if you dont really build it. The small block wont and you can get away with a mostly stock tranny. This same idea has a snowball effect down the drivetrain. The rest of the gear will hold up to the small block,but not necessarily the big block. For example lets say the small block car has an 8 1/4 in it and a 904,pretty common. Now switch over to that built 440 and have fun because your kissing that 8 1/4 goodbye and the 904 as well. Not to metion busted U joints,twisted driveshafts,stripped axles, etc etc.