January 2013

Back to where, I'd like to know! Obama is the only hope your Mopar people got as he is the only one keeping Chrysler afloat, check the facts, read something.

Facts really don't mean anything to persons who only want to be entertainment through commentators and talk show hosts like glenn beck, hannity and a host of others including the fat pharmaceutical drug user Rush and how do ya think he got his name?

Facts really don't mean anything, otherwise they would read a newspaper

Have a nice Thanksgivving
It's not Obama keeping Chrysler afloat, its the Taxpayers. And that wouldn't be necessary if this country would keep the unions from sucking companies dry!
I guess facts really don't mean anything like you said, that's why Kieth Olberman, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow and Alan Colmes are allowed to give their opinion based on their point of view.

I'm guessing the newspaper they should read is the New York Times or the Boston Globe.

they have the right to say what they say and pass it off as truth, its called Freedom of Speech. I just prefer to get my info from sources I trust and the ones I listed ain't none of them.