turbine car

Love the turbine car. Saw one running at the Mopar Nats the year the Nats were at the Chrysler Proving Grounds in Chelsea back in the 80's. Then saw one ( the only one that was privately owned) drive past me at Carlisle several years ago. That one was from the Harrah collection, and had been inoperable till Jay Leno helped the owner obtain a working motor from Chrysler. Love the sound of the turbine. Sounds like a jet ready for take off.
I wonder how many of the remaining Turbine cars I've actually seen. Besides those two, I saw one on display at the Walter P Chrysler Museum, and one at the Peterson Museum, one at the Henry Ford Museum, and one back in 1972 at the Transpo '72 Exposition at Dulles Airport outside Washington, DC. I believe that one was in the Smithsonian's collection, and if so, it might have been to only time it was ever shown. In various years a Chrysler Turbine has been on display at the Nationals and at Carlisle. If Chrysler had retained ownership of three of them, I wonder if they always displayed the same car, or if over the years I could have seen all three of the Chrysler owned turbines (one of which is now owned by Jay Leno).
I'm sure I haven't seen the one in the museum in St Louis.